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Stress-Free Social Media with AI

Automate 90% of your social media content creation with AI

Wouldn’t it be great to have your social media done for you automatically?

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Hello, fellow entrepreneurs and AI enthusiasts!

Last week, we created a DIY Quickbooks system with ChatGPT and Make. Today, we're tackling another time-consuming task that many business owners face: social media content creation.

Over 90% of businesses use social media as a marketing strategy, and not surprisingly, many struggle with creating content consistently. 

Keeping up with posting regular social media content is a chore, as I’m sure you’ll agree. 

As an entrepreneur, your calendar is filled with must-do business tasks, so you don’t have time to post. But, you need to post regularly to stay relevant, and coming up with fresh social media content takes a lot of time and energy. But, when you take the time to post regularly, you have less time to do your critical business tasks… 

It’s a vicious cycle.

But, what if you could automate 90% of your social media content creation with AI? Wouldn’t that be great?!

By automating your social media content, you can:

- Save hours of time each week

- Post on a consistent schedule

- Stay on top of trending topics in your industry

- Free up your time and creativity for high-level strategy

Ready to see how it works? Let's break down the process step-by-step.

Building Your AI Social Media Content System

We'll be creating a system that automatically generates X (formerly Twitter) posts about the latest NBA news. You can easily adapt this to any topic that's relevant to your business.

Here's what you'll need:

- A NewsAPI account (they offer a free plan)

- A Google account for Google Sheets

- An OpenAI account for ChatGPT

- A Make account

Let's get started!

Step 1: Fetch the Latest News

First, we'll set up a Make scenario to fetch the latest NBA news articles.

1. Register for a free account at NewsAPI. This is the service we’ll use to get the latest news. After you register, you’ll see your API key on the Registration Complete page. Keep this tab open, because you’ll need your API key in this step.

2. Open another tab and go to Make.com. Login or sign up if you don’t already have an account.

3. Create a new scenario in Make.

3. Add an HTTP module. Your URL will look like this:

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key from your open NewsAPI tab.

Choose GET for the Method.
Select Yes for Parse response.

Click OK.

4. Save the scenario.

5. Run the module to ensure that it works.

Step 2: Add an Iterator

When you run the HTTP module above, the results would be a list of relevant articles. In programming, this list is called an array. To create social media posts about each article, you have to go (iterate) through them one by one. We do this in Make with a module called an Iterator.

1. Add an Iterator module to your Make scenario.

2. Click in the Array field. You’ll see a box pop up with results data from the previous module. Click Data > articles[ ] to add it to the Array field.

3. Click OK. (Ignore the warning that this shouldn’t be the last step. It will disappear once we add the next module.)

4. Save the scenario.

5. Run once to make sure everything is working.

Step 3: Add Articles to Google Sheets

The next step is to store the articles in a Google Sheet.

1. Make a copy of this content generation Google Sheet template.

2. Go back to Make and add a Google Sheets module to your scenario.

3. Choose Add a Row as the action.

4. Add your Google connection. Use a paid Google account preferably. If you’re using your personal Google account, you have to click the Advanced Settings and follow these steps to authorize the Make app.

5. Select the content generation spreadsheet and sheet name. 

6. Select Yes for Table contains headers.

7. Map the fields from the Iterator module as you see in the picture below.

8. Click OK.

9. Save the scenario.

10. Run once to ensure the scenario works so far.

Step 4: Generate Social Media Posts with ChatGPT

Now for the fun part - let's get ChatGPT to create our posts!

2. Add an OpenAI module to your Make scenario.

2. Choose Create a Completion as the action.

3. Set up your OpenAI connection by adding your API key.

4. For Select method choose Create a Chat Completion (GPT Models).

5. For Model choose gpt-4o.

6. Click Messages and follow the picture below for the system prompt :

 7. Map the article title from the Google Sheets module to the user prompt, as in the picture below.

8. Click OK.

9. Save the scenario.

10. Run the scenario.

Step 5: Update Google Sheet with Post

Finally, let's add our generated X post back to our Google Sheet.

1. Add another Google Sheets module.

2. Choose Update a Row as the action.

3. Select the same Google Sheet as before.

4. Map the generated post to the X Post column in your sheet.

5. Click OK.

6. Save the scenario.

7. Run once.

This is what the entire scenario will look like.

And there you have it! Your very own AI-powered social media content creation system. You can schedule this scenario to run every day at a specific time.

Upgrading the System

This system is just the beginning. Here are a few ways you could expand on it:

  • Adapt it to create content for different social media platforms.

  • Create AI-generated images to go along with your posts.

  • Use AI to analyze the sentiment of news articles and only create posts for positive news.

  • Integrate with a tool like Buffer to automatically schedule your posts.

  • Set up a system to track engagement on your posts and feed this data back into your AI to improve future content.

Want me to set up a custom version of this system for your business? Book a free discovery call with me.

A Word of Caution

While this system can save you tons of time, remember that AI isn't perfect. Always review the generated content before posting to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and values. You might want to add a manual approval step to your workflow (hint: look out for next week’s newsletter).

Wrapping Up

There you have it - a step-by-step guide to creating your own AI-powered social media content system. With this setup, you'll be posting consistent, engaging content with minimal effort. No stress.

Remember, the goal of automation isn't to remove the human touch from your social media presence. Instead, it's to free up your time so you can focus on what really matters: engaging with your audience and growing your business.


Up Next...

In next week's newsletter, we’re going to add a manual review and automated posting step to this system. This is a really important part to ensure that what you post aligns with your brand. Stay tuned!

Want to discuss how AI can help your business be more productive and profitable? Book a free discovery call with me


P.S. I'm always looking for new ideas to explore in this newsletter. What aspect of your business would you like to automate with AI? Reply and let me know!